I don't normally do these kinds of things but this one caught my eye. I thought it looked easy - then while I was filling it out I realised it takes a lot of thinking hahah!
I am... the happiest mommy
I think... too much
I want... the best for my daughter
I have... too much to do
I miss... NY
I fear... the dark, germs, and being alone
I feel... kinda confused
I hear... the baby monitor
I smell... rice surprise mmmm yummy
I crave... fresh homemade cookies
I cry... over everything
I regret... not going to collage for something i really wanted to do and actually finishing.
I search... for answers to everything
I wonder... if Bella really is happy
I wish... things were easier
I love... my sweet baby girl
I care... about everyone - too much sometimes
I always... think about others before myself
I worry... about alot of stuff
I am not... magic
I remember... pretty much everything
I believe... in god
I sing... all the time - unfortunately not well!
I argue... fair.
I write... horribly! - really messy - and i cant spell
I lose... the tv remote and my phone all the time - well, actually not me - Bella steals them!
I listen... to everything
I can usually be found... at home or at the mall visiting grandma and auntie L
I need... money to start up my own business! and a new sewing machine
I forget... to take a break once in a while
I am happy... when I'm with my girl
I tag... Jennifer